TSPS Episode 457 – Landlords From Hell

Today, and by today I guess I mean yesterday, we call a list of numbers sent in by Ryan of his old neighbors where he used to live.  Apparently his landlord sent a mass text message to a bunch of tenants, exposing all of their phone numbers to each other.  So we call them up and let them know about the new gerbil tubes we’re installing in their walls.  Today’s show is brought to you by The Anti Chris. 

Hey everyone, I know you got a bunch of podcast notification emails from me again.  I don’t know why because I didn’t touch anything.  I noticed that it showed the really old episodes that I originally told it not to put in syndication at all, so I guess it didn’t agree with me on that and decided to slip them in a few weeks later.  If it happens again I’ll probably give up on this stupid syndication plugin.  Sorry!

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PLA FRIENDS AND STAFF: Nik Caesar from scary-art.com is the unofficial PLA artist.  Buy PLA designs from Nik’s Spreadshirt store and support him on Patreon.  You might also like the cactus and PLA designs in Laugh Track Matt’s store,  and Olga’s storeOlga also has a Patreon and so does Henrik, who makes lots of music for us.  Clownsec does a lot of cool things for PLA so go honk the PLAnet.  Watch JIAD’s Calls of Mass Confusion and listen to a few of the prank call shows over at Prank Call Nation like Madhouse Live.

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