Underground Servers and Amazon Drones
Today Benjamin P. helps us finally turn an ordinary citizen into a hero when he shuts off the power to his house to help restore North Carolina’s broken internet. We also lose a few Amazon…
Read MoreI Used To Live In Your House
Day Man used to live in your house and he left a few things behind. In this show we’ll listener to home owners lie to me and tell me they can’t find my expensive valuables…
Read MoreBlueprints
On today’s show, Xander Fett will be helping me return house blueprints to their rightful owners. Thanks, Xander Fett! Don’t watch The Experts. God what a terrible movie. Go add to the confusing phonetic list…
Read MoreFiddle Fucking
Jack off Daniels brings us a show of Facebook complainers, grocery store employees and a woman who lost $100 in a slot machine. Drunken contractor breaks into a home and steals everything Video proof that…
Read MoreNothing But Voicemails
Cncwizard was purposely misleading in today’s title, saying that this episode only has voicemails when it actually contains a bunch of old pranks, but that was for your own good so you’d be slightly…
Read MoreMalfunctioning Employees
Day Man says he’s tired of waiting for the future to arrive, so in this episode I tell managers that they already have robots working for them. ‘Can You Hear Me Now’ phone scam…
Read MoreEminent Domain
Here’s a 2 hour live show where we teach the general public a thing or two about how their local zoning department runs things. Today’s show is sponsored by RobbZombieStark. Intro created by El Hombre…
Read MoreContractors Are Good Boys Yes They Are!
Today’s live XYZ pre-show is brought to you by the one and only Matt Z. It’s because of him that the first 20 minutes or so are filled with disconnected numbers and technical issues,…
Read MoreSilent Auction Scams
Today is an educational show, where LoOoDaXFactor personally exposes a national string of silent auction scammers and we find out the shocking truth – that these auctions aren’t actually auctions at all! Prank call…
Read MorePartytime Preshow
Finn H. brings us a live morning show where very few golf club members answer the phone, but at least there’s a few good ones. Come Monday by Ruprecht the Monkey Boy Use Dino’s Hang Up…
Read MoreWow What A Difference
Today Broccoli Bear brings us all phone calls to video stores, which apparently thousands of still exist across the U.S. If your local Blockbuster doesn’t have Jerry Maguire on VHS, visit the Jerry Maguire…
Read MoreLive Caddyshack Show
Xander Fett presents us with this live show from Friday morning, where we call members of a country club and attempt to convince them that they’re racist for only using white balls. Here is…
Read More7-Eleven Training Video
Honey Baby commanded me to shave about 90 minutes off the 3 hours of calls I did yesterday, so here’s most of the calls I made to 7-Elevens demanding ridiculous things. The opening bit…
Read MoreBlockbuster Is Still Gone
Today Stan Trucker brings us all a live show where I completely fail at a bunch of Blockbuster pranks, then I have severe audio and computer issues and end up rebooting the show a couple…
Read MoreCandy Chocolate
Theknottyguy sponsors today’s show where we do a few prank requests that turns into an entire show of bothering Radio Shacks. Betty White is still alive I edited some stuff out of the Candy Chocolate…
Read MoreLive Friday Morning Show
Today’s Friday The 13th show is sponsored by Pagan, which seems fitting. Today we call Petcos and make as many inappropriate corporate requests as possible. The opening music is by Jack Helloquinn and the…
Read MoreCorporate Favors
Tony sponsors this live show that he didn’t even show up to listen to (how rude), but it’s yet another show where I call businesses and inform them that they’re required to do favors…
Read MorePeeing In The Carpet
Chris and Sarah, who both pee in their carpet because they drink from go cups too much, give you today’s Snow Plow Show where I tell landlords about my unfortunate toilet problem. Landlord uses…
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