The Snow Plow Show Episode 866 – Convenience Store Politics

Today I try to work through a few of my weird issues with convenience store employees, by calling them and facing my fear. This one is brought to you by Johnny Testicles, Sean L, jvelo, Audi Love, and Pranker Governor.

00:00 We start out with a really old prank to a convenience store. The background music is microKORGI and Quickfireyt.

02:00 Show art by Nik Caesar from

07:39 Intro song by Joe DiVita

09:16 The intro talking bit that everyone loves so much. The background music is Polaris by gammaworks.

09:30 I was on Devon’s podcast last week on January 15th, 2025.

09:45 Listen to the newest Mr. Dobalina show.

10:19 The beginning of the pranks segment begins here. The background music is Polaris by Gammaworks.

43:33 The World Famous Snow Plow Show Voicemails. The background music is Yes Yes Yo Yo by Posy.

51:18 I Wonder What’s Inside by Dean

LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SHOW: To find out more about the music you hear on this show, visit our page of artists. For a bit of history and a studio tour, this is a good starting page. Request a prank call and find links related to shows at If you’re searching for a specific thing said in a show, is a great resource for that.

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PLA FRIENDS AND STAFF: Nik Caesar from is the unofficial PLA artist.  Buy PLA designs from Nik’s Spreadshirt store.  You might also like the cactus and PLA designs in Laugh Track Matt’s storeClownsec does a lot of cool things for PLA so go honk the PLAnet.  Watch JIAD’s Calls of Mass Confusion and listen to a few of the prank call shows over at World of Prank Calls.

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5 thoughts on “The Snow Plow Show Episode 866 – Convenience Store Politics”

  1. This episode was the best Had me rolling! The best return to the classics I could have ever imagine. It was funny that you said “Yeah I dunno what I’m doing today, gonna call some convenience stores and we’ll see what happens” some of your best stuff comes like that.
    The opening prank was one I’ve been dying to hear. During this pranksgiving I chatted “My favorite pranksgiving memory was when Brad had the woman delivering newspapers overflow the coffee maker because he was corporate.”
    Made me wonder just how fake that chapter of the book really was.
    That was so devilishly hilarious and epic. A quick late night flex of those SE and Science skills without even having to try! That’s some of the funniest stuff to me when youre hardly trying or the Whoop Whoop when getting customer #s like you can’t believe how stupid people are.
    This episode was an awesome showcase of the classics!
    Multiple corporate surveys taken,
    You were in coolers,
    On top of roofs,
    Using milk crate ladders,
    Loosing Kenny Logins CDs while smoking pot; being sure your daughter sat on the floor away from the smoke. You almost went really old school by upgrading an ATM to wireless. It totally would have worked if you had told her how nice she looked from the camera.
    “Can you tell those two other humans in there to just knock it the fuck off w/ the laser pointer?””You need to handle it! Well than maybe handle it better!”
    Hell, Lysol even made it or was supposed to! He was probably the only one that you didn’t have to remind that it was MLK jr day. Well, besides maybe Trump & Richard Cardo, but screw those nuts! Both of them trying to convince people that they know what their doing!
    The closing song cover was even more return of greatness! When you used to play that song it was stuck in my head for like 6 months. People don’t think it’s creepy at all when you sing that aloud and you aren’t a little girl.
    Great show again! loved every second! With all the mentions of Calito in the episode, I wanted to thank you for keeping the site going. I make good use of it and you deserve the gratitude for it.

    Love you Brad, no homo (say it back)

  2. im intimately familiar with you and your community. i know all the inside jokes. this niche validates me. im epicsauce.

    1. Wow , I really feel dumb.
      Was just trying to leave positive feedback because shows have seemed to be more infrequent.
      Of course I Should stop being a free loader and get plenty of great content, but at this time don’t feel validated enough.
      But really I got shot down with not knowing what epicsauce is.
      Really sorry for spewing positive feelings about the content I can afford.
      Brad’s the best and always enjoy hearing a new episode. Got excited I guess.

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