The Snow Plow Show Episode 868 – LIVE SHOW – Combatting Racism

Today’s show was pretty much a test to see if my live show equipment would work properly for when I host The Callective on Saturday. And I passed the test! Things went mostly okay. I started off pranking convenience stores and when that sucked, I moved on to pranking people who owned luxury apartments that they don’t live in. This show is brought to you by TokeusPocus, Natalie, Cody NoName, Salt Teddy, and WhiskeyNeon. Special thanks to Nick for providing the list of luxury apartments that I’ve been calling over the past few episodes.

00:00 Lets rip up some neighbor’s mail. The background music is microKORGI and Quickfireyt.

01:00 Show art by Nik Caesar from

01:53 Intro song by Plingplang

04:21 The intro talking bit that everyone loves so much. The background music is Polaris by gammaworks.

05:30 Listen to old episodes of The Callective!

06:00 Listen to today’s brand new LIVE SHOW Callective, hosted by me and iregretjumping at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern.

06:30 Rest in peace, Roy D. Mercer!

07:15 The beginning of the pranks segment begins here. The background music is Sweet Dreams by DJ 5th Light.

48:05 The World Famous Snow Plow Show Voicemails. The background music is Forest Of No Return from Babes In Royland.

58:44 How Big A Boy Are Ya song by Roy D. Mercer

LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SHOW: To find out more about the music you hear on this show, visit our page of artists. For a bit of history and a studio tour, this is a good starting page. Request a prank call and find links related to shows at If you’re searching for a specific thing said in a show, is a great resource for that.

SUPPORT THE PLA: For extra weekly shows, subscribe on PatreonSpotify, or Apple. Get our t-shirts and stickers at our TeePublic store. Get coins, vinyl records, CDs, and more on our Bandcamp page. We also have thing in our Zazzle store in our Spreadshirt store. Buy important things for us at PLA’s wishlist or Brad’s wishlist, but most importantly, please tell your friends, family, and strangers about all about us.

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PLA FRIENDS AND STAFF: Nik Caesar from is the unofficial PLA artist.  Buy PLA designs from Nik’s Spreadshirt store.  You might also like the cactus and PLA designs in Laugh Track Matt’s storeClownsec does a lot of cool things for PLA so go honk the PLAnet.  Watch JIAD’s Calls of Mass Confusion and listen to a few of the prank call shows over at World of Prank Calls.

GAME WITH PLA Join us Animal Crossing addicts by becoming our friends on Switch. If you’re into GTA5, join the PLA Radio crew.

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